Friday, November 10, 2006

Time Regained - post V

At last the moment when the blinkers come off is upon Marcel and you sense a growing confidence that is bound to change him and his relationship with some of the other leading characters

Bullet points between pages 920 – 970

* Marcel is still waiting in the library at the Guermantes house waiting until the music has stopped and he can go in to see the rest of the guests

* He starts to think about the past, time and memory and realises that rather than wait for a story to come to him as a writer he has all the experiences he needs inside himself – there are a couple of key passages about the art of his writing which I will post up in a separate post because they deserve to stand out and not get lost in these bullet points

* After grasping his vocation the train of thought is suddenly interrupted and he meets the other guests and he is aware of them in a different light now that he understands the importance of people to source his written content

* Having earlier had the shock of bumping into a white haired and decrepit M. de Charlus he comes across some other characters that have aged and for the first time the reader is jolted out of considering Marcel to be a man in his twenties or maybe thirties as people talk of his age

More tomorrow and Sunday as I try to wrap this up by the end of the weekend

Just a quick note on Albertine Gone

The book is following the course of the Fugitive and there is not much point posting comment until I get to the point where Albertine’s death is revealed because it is at that stage there is the major departure from the other version of the volume. That book will also be covered over the weekend