Monday, April 23, 2007

The Age of Reason - post IV

There is a pace change with the book as things start to move towards a conclusion in some of the plot areas. There is a great moment when watching Boris and Ivich together Mathieu realises that it is not so great being young and perhaps the age of reason is not only negative but something positive if it distances you from immaturity.

Bullet points between pages 176 - 250

* The group of Boris, Ivich, Lola and Mathieu are at the night club and there is a row between Lola and Boris inspired by the young man's quest to get some money for his professor and it ends with them seperating with no one having enjoyed themselves too much

* The next morning the brother and sister meet Mathieu and Botis is convinced that Lola has overdosed on cocaine and sends Mathieu back to her flat to get hos love letters but as Mathieu is moving around the apartment Lola wakes and asks him to tell Boris to come back but the young man says that she is dead for him and has been disturbed by the idea of death and age an idea that disturbs Mathieu

* As a result of a telegram Mathieu meets up with Daniel and his friend reveals that he has been meeting Marcelle and leaves the question of whether or not she wants an abortion in the air but his mixing backfires slightly because far from being angry Mathieu is bemused and surprised and leaves him questioning what the nature of his relationship is

* But before he can go and meet with Marcelle he gets a telegram from Ivich telling him that she has failed her exams and will be pushed out of Paris by her parents so worried that she might do something dangerous

* Mathieu sets off to find her and finds her in a bar and takes her home but mixed in with lust there is a great deal of feeling about her immaturity

Final pages will be read tomorrow...