Saturday, April 05, 2008

Lunchtime read: The Steep Approach to Garbadale

By now the style of flashbacks is starting to become familiar but it still can be frustrating. The frustration is when a memory seems unconnected to the next piece of plot development.

You can’t quite work out why Alban keeps going back to the drugged out losers he has been hanging around with in Perth. The complexity of his love life starts to unfold with the memory of chasing and then capturing the heart of the mathematics professor who is his on-off girlfriend. That is interspersed with flashbacks of him desperately trying to get in touch with Sophie after their families had separated them.

A question starts to form in your mind that is quite crucial to your participation in the story. Do you like Alban? Is something you keep asking, quickly followed up by whether or not you want him to get back with Sophie.

You might want him to discover who drive his mother to suicide but as to his personal love life – well let’s see of we care when it comes to that bit.

More next week…